Thursday, March 19, 2009

Well its been much too long....... what have I been up too??? Kids, kids, and more kids. Hockey rinks and indoor soccer, my "other" life took over but Ive been painting almost everyday. My latest victory is meeting Paula. Wow what a great day that was. Paula is an artist and gallery owner ( mother of 4, twin boys they are 13 ). She asked to see my birches, I took 3 paintings in to show her......and low and behold she booked me to exhibit in Sept. September 24th to be exact. The rest of the details will be posted at my website......

Oh! my website was hijacked and the domain name stolen so now it is

It was .com but now .net its a tad confusing but I bought this special security coverage ( may be a big ole scam ) that prevents further hijacking....its kind of humorous all the silly lingo but hey that's what I was told. I was hijacked.

So back to Paula, apparently she sees something she likes in my work and I'm so very honored. I was also very shocked. I like my work but I think you get so close to it you don't have an objective view of your work, its like your kids...... its murky.

I'm really, really excited. So you will see birches all spring and summer, that's what Ill be painting and posting so stay tuned and please comment on the work, I love love your feedback and comments!!!

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