Monday, June 21, 2010

lone birch...

This painting was a struggle, however it turned out to be one of my favorite paintings in the end. Thanks to Sherry for forcing me to come back and finish it even when Id given up. She was right, it took me one hour to complete and I felt so completely satisfied with the results. I think it will go to the gallery in Collingwood later this summer and hopefully someone falls in love with it.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

janes was a success

Last Sunday was my 3rd annual show, hosted by Jane and David Thompson. It was a great success, with a portion of the procedes going to the Mark Preece Family House. I am so grateful to all the folks that attended and look forward to next year! My next exhibit will be the beyond the valley tour this fall, dates to be posted on my website

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

beyond the valley tour!!!

The tour in Dundas was a great success this past weekend, dont forget to come to my exhibit June 13th ( details on my website ) under exhibits. Lots of folks passed through and commented on both Stephanies, and my work. I always enjoy the tour for many reasons, the people that come to see my work are always so encouraging and inspiring. I also love to see my tour buddies!!! Elaine, Louise, Anne, Stephanie, we all have so much fun together, looking forward to the fall tour in Oct. Above is a purple tulip I exhibited, it will also be at Janes show in 2 weeks.

Monday, May 17, 2010

more and more flowers.....

Im posting the pink peony but I also need to post the tulips.....Ive been painting flowers everyday and very much enjoying it. I will continue to paint flowers until I just cant paint no more!!!! As long as they continue to inspire me I will be seeking out beautiful photos to create on canvas. Just a few more weeks until the Dundas tour so need to paint lots. Looking forward to it!!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

computer troubles.....

Okay so heres the deal......laptop crashed, lost information, purchased new laptop, learning new programs, trying to find old information....soooo annoying. So that has been the highlight of my last few weeks, not to mention the twins. Yes, my 14 yr old boys play both rep hockey and soccer therefore April is our overlap month and its a nightmare. Did I mention my husband is doing a full time MBA and travels often with his job????? Any-hoo.... that has been my life for the last while and its a tad busy. Oh! Im also moving again in 2 mths....good lord. All of that aside, life is awesome!!!!!! I finished this last painting for the Beyond the Valley Studio Tour 2010. Please come see my work, Ive started these florals and Im very excited about them. May 29-May30 ( Saturday and Sunday ) 10am-5pm both days. Go to my website and look at the exhibits page for upcoming shows!!!!! looking forward to seeing you.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

new laptop

stressed the last few days without my computer, bought a new one today. Did not lose info, will transfer photos etc from the old hard drive......I cannot live without a computer, just cant. Boys are out tonight, husband is home tomorrow night FINALLY.........

Thursday, April 8, 2010

new tulip painting

The Dundas Valley Tour is just around the corner. This is another floral I plan to exhibit at the show. I'm excited about these tulips as Ive done others but this one seems to have the movement I like in flowers. Tulips often lack movement so I stay away from them although they are one of my favorite flowers to have in a vase at home. I am glad I found a photo ( actually its a photo from one of Stephanie's coasters!!! So I borrowed it ) That's right, was over for a visit, put my drink down on a coaster she had on her table and asked if I could take it home as I thought it would make for a great painting. Starting another painting today, not sure what sort of flower I will choose, but I have hundreds of photos in a file to choose from, will keep you posted!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

spring has sprung...

Easter is all wrapped up and the boys are back to school. I have started a canvas of tulips, will post that today. We had an amazing weekend, celebrating both Easter and the boys bday. Time to get back at it and paint, paint paint. Looking forward to talking to the girls in Clarksburg today to see how the Easter event went and what the response was to the flower paintings I shipped for the exhibit.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

boys 14th bday...

The boys celebrated their 14th bday this weekend with good friends and family. We missed not having dad around but made up for it with non stop excitement! My boys are 14! !

Monday, March 29, 2010


So this is the end result of the flower. I love this painting its very delicate and smooth. I do not like the quaility of the image, the colour is off and the hues are much deeper. Oh well good enough.

the beginnings of another flower...

Okay, I took this pic a few weeks ago when I started this painting. Since this was shot Ive completed the painting so will post that today as well. Its a nice painting and heading to Collingwood gallery today.

Monday, March 22, 2010

new week....

Did I mention I want this kitchen for my new house? Its the same model, 1940s ranch and this is the end result with a kitchen reno I found online. Its lovely. I watched a reno today on Design Inc and it was the same style kitchen, limited space but functional and beautiful.

March br is done. New week begins, with driving my friends John and Joyce. Hes quite ill so this little job may go away soon, however I welcome that as I have so much painting to do for the exhibits this spring. Its been a great job, Ive enjoyed their company and insight on being old. They are wonderful people, blessed to know them.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

painting by emily carr

Id forgotten how much emily carrs work had influenced my early work. I loved her paintings and the way she captured nature and movement. Her paintings were so spiritual. There are many things from my past that inspired me that I would like to revisit. I remember reading her biography and loving her the way she moved the brush over the canvas. Beautiful.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


March break is slowing winding down. The weather has been fantastic this week and Im so looking forward to the first day of spring and warmer days ahead. Starting another flower today, already have the photograph ready for reference. Will post as it evolves.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

white flower done....

Im so happy to complete the white flower ( my second flower ) Its march break, kids are here, company here and I still found time to finish yiipppeee!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

rain in new york

Its raining today, like sideways rain. Why does everything just get better when you wrap NY around it? Like rain. Wrap NY around it and there is just something magical about it all. I cant explain it, but its all very romantic dont you think?

Friday, March 12, 2010

logan home sick

Logan is home sick today.... its rainy and gloomy so maybe a good day to make chicken soup and look after my little boy who is not so little anymore! I had to post this image this morning because it makes me so happy. The green of this cabinet is amazing. I think its close to the buffet I'm painting right now. I may try to work on my flower painting today, the gallery would like a few for Easter so need to get working on those. A cheery picture for a dreary day.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

retro avacodo

Stopped by the Home Depot yesterday to look at paint colours for my buffet, kitchen chairs and base. At first I thought Id go taupe for all of it until I spotted retro avocado and knew it was the new colour for my buffet ( hand me down from my friend Rosa ). I bought some glass knobs and black knobs ( for logans newly painted dresser ). I could not get out of the store fast enough to try the new green on the buffet.... well last night I put 3 coats on and this morning I am in love!!! Its made everything feel like spring and lighted my life. I will finish it today, and start the chairs in the taupe. Ive decided to pick up 2 accent chairs for the kitchen table, maybe two antique chairs, or something upholstered. All of this was inspired by the table runner I bought a few days ago at home sense darn it. One table runner equals hours of painting madness.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Okay so the thing is.....

Ive worked on this floral now for about 3 full hours and I need a break. However its coming along nicely...the photo is not exactly true to the colours in real life but pretty close, I would say the real version is more vivid than the photo. I am loving the composition of this painting and the colours are quite soothing. I will try to do more painting today, but its now 2:00 pm I have to start shifting gears. I have to make dinner and do laundry, clean the hockey gear and buy some paint etc etc......I'm welcoming the escape from the easel as my brain is fried and I need to step back.....

second floral...

Here is the beginning of the second floral painting, I feel so grateful that I have a full day again to paint. Im even more grateful that I get to paint exactly what I love today. The boys are off to school, the house is quiet, the animals are asleep and the lighting is perfect.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

feeling a wee bit manic

Thats right, feeling artistically manic! Im painting another flower and my furniture all at the same time because thats how I roll!!! However manic is good because Ive finished the pink flower and Im cruising through another floral and it just might be even nicer than the pink one!!!! I think Ive found another niche in the subject matter. So satisfying. I got my groceries done and bought a happy meal and ate the whole thing in 60 seconds. It was so good, yet so bad. I will post the next flower and maybe even the furniture, order tabletop glass to put on the coffee table and end tables once the paint dries, looks fabulous! What was old is new again, with a big ole gallon of paint and some elbow grease.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

painting day...

Painting today. Hayden is home sick, poor kid. I started this flower this week and its going well. I am looking forward to continuing it this afternoon to see where it goes and how it evolves. That's the best part of working on a smaller canvas ( 14"x14") the image works up faster and its very satisfying!!! Okay Advil cough and cold for my boy, some TLC and then its time to paint! Cuddles the cat enjoys watching me and spends time pawing the brushes and getting her nose into the paint.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

paint for the flower....

here is the mixtures of paint, I poured out on a wax paper palette, very dumb as the wet paint and water I use on the brush have made holes in the wax paper. Ill continue to update the painting until its completion....


Should I be attempting to paint flowers? Theyve been on my agenda of things to paint for a very long time. I found some wonderful photographs Ive put into a file so here it goes! I started this particular painting yesterday and so far Im enjoying it. Its not an easy subject so many folds and shadows and highlights and varying shades of oranges, yellows and be continued.....

Monday, January 11, 2010

sheri tomorrow....

Tomorrow I begin painting 3 days a week in my friend Sheri's dining room. I am so excited because its been so long since Ive been able to paint. With the move into the townhouse and lack of space for the next 9 months, I have been left with the challenge of finding a space I can set up in, while feeling creative and relaxed. Working from home is wonderful but there are so many distractions. Things like laundry, food, cleaning all tend to call my name while I'm working and it can often get the better of me. Having a painting space outside of my home will force me to put in hours of uninterrupted time at the canvas and I like the idea of being in a space that has nothing to do with home...... so! I am really grateful to Sheri, and all my other Friends who offered up space for the next 9mths. July 25th is possession day for the new house, and new painting space, so until then I will enjoy Sheri's home. I hope to take some photos tomorrow of the space and set up.... Ive also told Sheri, we cannot talk!! We tend to like to chat but I have to get to work, I do take coffee breaks so we can get in a wee bit of talk time....thanks Sheri!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Ive been following a few new blogs lately and all of them have to do with knitting! I used to knit years ago, I made sweaters for every boyfriend and friend I ever had and spent most of my university years knitting. Well Id like to re visit that and have been collecting some interesting patterns and hope to get started this weekend on a new project! Cant wait. I also want to find some fellow knitters in my area, maybe ask a few friends if theyd like to take a workshop with me, I am really rusty so would like to have a little review.......

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

carrie hero...

Well I started this audiobook two nights ago and enjoyed every last minute of it. I belly laughed through the whole book. Such an added bonus to have Carrie Fishers deep, raspy voice talking through the entire book. Her wit and charm is like no other. Her dry, sarcastic humor made me laugh out loud over and over. Not to mention her candid honesty around her addictions and mental health issues made me love her even more. Shes courageous, honest and a beautiful writer. Heard shes got a one woman show at studio 54 in NY this week.......wish I had tickets. Princess leia rocks!!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

beautiful blue....

I love every hue in this assortment of photos. Id like to use it as a pallette for my new home, or next painting. I find the colours very relaxing, soothing and something you could live with for a long long time.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


January, not my favorite month of the year. In the past its been a time for reflection and introspection. Thoughts of excercise, healthy eating and just overall improvements cross my mind. Longer days filled with the mundane are not that inspiring, therefore Im building a collection of photos and images to keep the creative juices flowing. As for resolutions, its always a work in progress that continues throughout the year. January is just a time to remind myself of where Im headed and how to go about getting there one step at a time.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

what will the new year bring?

Seriously I am obsessed at the moment with home renos, I dream about them, google them, watch them on TV its just an ongoing serious obsession. It comes with the territory and that means my creative brain never, ever shuts off. Whether Im painting, gardening, designing, organizing its just this weird brain malfunction that drives me to do the things I do. Today seems to be somewhat relfective as I sit here and gather information on the web and write on my blog to help me sort out where I should begin and how to start.......starting seems to be the hardest part, I think I just need to get down to business, feet first.