Monday, January 11, 2010

sheri tomorrow....

Tomorrow I begin painting 3 days a week in my friend Sheri's dining room. I am so excited because its been so long since Ive been able to paint. With the move into the townhouse and lack of space for the next 9 months, I have been left with the challenge of finding a space I can set up in, while feeling creative and relaxed. Working from home is wonderful but there are so many distractions. Things like laundry, food, cleaning all tend to call my name while I'm working and it can often get the better of me. Having a painting space outside of my home will force me to put in hours of uninterrupted time at the canvas and I like the idea of being in a space that has nothing to do with home...... so! I am really grateful to Sheri, and all my other Friends who offered up space for the next 9mths. July 25th is possession day for the new house, and new painting space, so until then I will enjoy Sheri's home. I hope to take some photos tomorrow of the space and set up.... Ive also told Sheri, we cannot talk!! We tend to like to chat but I have to get to work, I do take coffee breaks so we can get in a wee bit of talk time....thanks Sheri!

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