Thursday, May 13, 2010

computer troubles.....

Okay so heres the deal......laptop crashed, lost information, purchased new laptop, learning new programs, trying to find old information....soooo annoying. So that has been the highlight of my last few weeks, not to mention the twins. Yes, my 14 yr old boys play both rep hockey and soccer therefore April is our overlap month and its a nightmare. Did I mention my husband is doing a full time MBA and travels often with his job????? Any-hoo.... that has been my life for the last while and its a tad busy. Oh! Im also moving again in 2 mths....good lord. All of that aside, life is awesome!!!!!! I finished this last painting for the Beyond the Valley Studio Tour 2010. Please come see my work, Ive started these florals and Im very excited about them. May 29-May30 ( Saturday and Sunday ) 10am-5pm both days. Go to my website and look at the exhibits page for upcoming shows!!!!! looking forward to seeing you.

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