Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I am adding the smaller trees with white highlights in the left side...this will be throughout the painting but its beginning to add depth and interest. I am also going to introduce a blue/green to the landscape its actually called bright aqua green. It will bring light to the landscape. Sometimes you miss the colours that are in a landscape that you would think out of a tube would never belong but next time your looking out your window look closely and you can see aqua, purples, yellows etc that you may have never seen before.

Monday, March 30, 2009

into the gap

okay next painting...love how its rolling along. Ive got a million images in my head and cant get them onto the canvas fast enough. This one is really moving me, love the gaps and sky.....making me very happy.....just the beginning so watch the evolution.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

sunday night

no painting today. Finished my assignment for my course though. Took me a few hours but submitted it and now I can relax a little and just look at my next course. I dont think Ill study over the summer with the kids home and an exhibit in Sept. I wish I could fit it all in, however Ill pick up 2 courses in sept 09 and 2 more in Jan 2010. Im not sure how close I am to being done just plugging away at it. Hard to juggle it all but worth it when you love what your doing and I really do.

Well the kids and Dean just left so Im off to rest and get ready for a painting day tomorrow, will post what I accomplish, finished a birch, started 2 more.... not to mention commiss. from a while back. Need to finish it all!!! Wish there was 2 of me.

Good night!

dismal day...

Well its a grey and foggy day. I have one more assignment to complete for my final couse in addiction

Thursday, March 26, 2009

tall tall trees...

Okay its coming

along nicely , few more details and Ill be starting another soon! I like it but need to work a little more on it then just sit with it........I could truly work on them forever but eventually you have to call it done....its never really done for me I just hit a point and its time to leave it alone.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

long day....

Great day but long. Had a good productive day with my birch. Really coming together. I feel a lot of pressure as I have 2 shows in may and one in sept. Not sure how many I will have done for may and I hope I sell out however that would mean no paintings could be carried over for the september show. Any-hoo..... will play it all by ear and just paint every chance I get which is not a bad gig at all. I go to bed at night with great anticipation for the next day and challenges on the canvas Im so lucky.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Good painting day, still not over as I have lots of sunlight to work with because of the longer days, so happy about that. Talked to my sister a lot today, always makes me happy. This painting Im working on is really tall and leggy just like her. I guess its inspiring me plus Im choosing canvases that are tall like the trees. I like to do that.
This painting is not done, its bugging me at the moment ( and they all do ) because I always get to this point on the canvas when the paint is not yet dry, I want to work the paint out and I cant its not blending exactly right. I do know that if I leave it for a day or two and then try to blend I will get it right. It always goes that way with every painting and I know this but I still get irritated at this point.
I love the blue sky, love love love it.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

birch from last year....

This is a birch I did last year and sold, I have evolved so much since then but I often go back to it for reference. I am very pleased with the largest trunk so I look at it quite a bit when Im starting a new birch, the landscape is good and the sky I like, especially the transition between the blue sky and dark landscape.

I will be posting new paintings this week and the process Im going through to prepare for my up and coming exhibits.

Friday, March 20, 2009

spring has sprung....

Great productive day painting. The kids are on march break but they are amazing at entertaining themselves with friends for a few hours at a time then I step in for an hour, make lunch, snacks re-direct them and then they are good for another few hours. Makes for a choppy day but still got lots of painting done, another birch and a few commissions.

I love the painting I'm working on, found a new canvas and so the paint is blending so much better on this new surface its very very exciting as I was struggling with the blending and thought it was my paint, well I was wrong its the canvas surface that is making all the difference, it feels like the surface is rougher and has a different finish, anyways its making all the difference. Love love love it.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Well its been much too long....... what have I been up too??? Kids, kids, and more kids. Hockey rinks and indoor soccer, my "other" life took over but Ive been painting almost everyday. My latest victory is meeting Paula. Wow what a great day that was. Paula is an artist and gallery owner ( mother of 4, twin boys they are 13 ). She asked to see my birches, I took 3 paintings in to show her......and low and behold she booked me to exhibit in Sept. September 24th to be exact. The rest of the details will be posted at my website......

Oh! my website was hijacked and the domain name stolen so now it is http://www.michelleguitard.net/

It was .com but now .net its a tad confusing but I bought this special security coverage ( may be a big ole scam ) that prevents further hijacking....its kind of humorous all the silly lingo but hey that's what I was told. I was hijacked.

So back to Paula, apparently she sees something she likes in my work and I'm so very honored. I was also very shocked. I like my work but I think you get so close to it you don't have an objective view of your work, its like your kids...... its murky.

I'm really, really excited. So you will see birches all spring and summer, that's what Ill be painting and posting so stay tuned and please comment on the work, I love love your feedback and comments!!!