Tuesday, January 13, 2009

snowy winter day....

Well its that kind of day again here . Lots of the white stuff and the colour of the sky is the same as the snow so its just so bland. I think I mentioned I am taking addiction studies at mac master univ. I leave for florida friday morning and my 3rd assignment is due before I go. Just a little more to add to the plate. I love this course but its a bit of work. As I tick off the things on my to do list before we depart for florida I feel this tremendous relief. So off I go to finish my paper and create a mock interview with my imaginary drug addict ( role being played by my friend Louise, Ive casted her in the role of closet alcoholic/wife and mother ) I will be interviewing her tomorrow so need to get to work! Time for a coffee to get myself up and running...... starting to fade and its only 11:30 am. However I have been to get an emmissions test, oil change and ran a few errands so Ive been fairly productive thus far. No painting today, need to focus on the addictions but will start painting again when Im back from Florida. Have Carms commish to finish and 2 more to start. I have to start planning for the exhibits as well and get enough work done for those. Lots of painting ahead so keep checking back to see whats happening.

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