Thursday, January 8, 2009

Im back.....

Startling people with something so emotional making them feel the hurt, art is an emotional exercise. Its too make you feel the pain...... or the opposite the purest joy.....

That is profound, heard it today from John Lithgow. I saw him in the play All My Sons in NY in November. A fabulous play with the fabulous John Lithgow ( oh and Katie Holmes too ) however it was Lithgow that really held that play together and his latest interview he describes how art touches people evoking emotion. I think that is what all artists strive to do whether you are a painter, singer, writer, or actor. The play in NY certainly evoked many emotions and I look forward to getting back to NY to see more art, more creativity. It is a place full of magic and beauty I just cant stay away from for too long.

I will be posting the birches today( still a work in progress ) Oh, happy new year!!

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