Friday, November 28, 2008

birches today.... like soldiers

All standing at attention. Bold and graphic...wait until the yellow hits! Wow will be really interesting to see the contrast.... wish the light was not fading so much. Will continue on my other painting for carm.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

evolution of the birches...

working on two paintings today. I dont want to photograph the other quite yet as I want it to be a surprise for my friend Carm. This above painting was photographed recently when I started it and this is just a section of the entire piece not the whole painting as these trees are the most evolved. I am loving the yellow with the birches. Will keep this in mind for the next birches. Mother nature sure knows her colours to have made the fall leaves on a birch that vibrant yellow ochre tone. I bought a tube of it today.

back at it.....

Today is an excellent day! My dishwasher is being fixed ( no more hours bellied up to the sink doing dishes thank God!) and Im painting up a storm.... Its a cold and cloudy day today so the lighting is perfect! Too much sun and I get all kinds of glare and strange light/shadow.

Will post what I complete later today so stay tuned.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

creative juices not flowing today....

not the most creative day, had to take the day off from painting . Sometimes its just too much to even push myself and nothing works so there is not reason to force it. Tomorrow will be another day so I need to just go with this. Dont like to feel unproductive but its all part of the process. I did finish my paper for addiction studies and feel really good about that......4 more to do for dec 15.

Its late and Im tired so better hit the hay and get some rest for a day back at the canvases tomorrow....

Monday, November 24, 2008

birch for julie

here is another to add to the bunch. Its large and these are the beginnings of the trees....there will be lots of yellows re the leaves and vibrant whites with black knots for drama.... exciting!

new birch

here is a new birch for commision.... I am working on 3 paintings at once and will start a 4th. I have to let the layers of each painting dry as I work so its perfect for me to pick up another while the other is drying......I will continue to post as the week goes on and show the evolution of the work.

shawnas painting completed

shawna... I went to the wine store and bought the bottle you love, Ive painted it and now I need to deliver the painting and the wine. We can share a glass and soak it all in.....

olive branch completed

The olive branch painting is completed and the new owners were pleased with the final project and they have successfully hung it in their home. Ive also posted this to my website on the gallery page.

Friday, November 14, 2008

my friends....

Im sitting here thinking tonight how blessed I am to have the undying support of my friends. They support my art so whole heartily and encourage me to continue to means so much to me to have them in my life and provide me feedback and critiques when I need them. I put my heart and soul into my paintings and what I put in I get back from the special people in my life... you know who you are !!!! thank you....

Cant wait to give Shawna her painting... the bottle below will change in shape and will be the wine she loves.

for shawna.....

Almost done... painting for shawna....funky girl!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

more sky.... branch

A few hours later....

the olive branch

the olive branch is dark and the sky around the branch is so much more blue than its reading however its very difficult to get a good picture in the space Im in. Working on the mountains and the branch today.... foliage will be interesting on the branch lots of green tones and detailed.

Back to work.....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

few hours later...

what a difference a few hours can make.... Im realizing how slow I really am. Everything has to be perfect or it will drive me nuts.

the land and buildings...

I see land! The balcony is done.. the land is coming along I like it! the mountains will be fun and they will help to make the buildings pop it will be a good backdrop. Then, next is the sky and they the branch above....... what Ive learned today is every part of the evolution of this painting is so interconnected as are we.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

my little Jack

How cute are you? Spending everyday laying by my side watching me paint.... good company.

more of the balcony

the rungs are almost done, the reflection on the balcony of light between the rungs. The landscape in the distance is now taking shape......

Thursday, November 6, 2008

painting for Russ

Okay so today has been a long, long day..... I have got this railing just about where I want it. Feeling very pleased. Its funny how I feel so challenged with a painting and cant imagine how I will execute it and all of a sudden it just hits its stride and I overcome the challenges. Im sure there will be many more ahead with this painting but for today I am feeling very satisfied... thanks for my friend Louise for bringing me chicken soup and a cafe mocha as Ive been feeling under the weather. It was just what I needed to get a few more hours in. off to parent teacher interviews!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

for carm....

Its getting close carm..... cant wait to see it hung..... Its a wonderful painting with lots of colour and character.

lots and lots of detail

this is a 4'x6' painting I started a while back... so much detail and layers and layers. However I can feel it will be a wonderful piece when it is completed. I hope to have it done next week but will update with pictures as I go.......

Monday, November 3, 2008

monday already??

Well today was a good day although Im feeling under the weather with a chest cold. Still got to my studio and painted a large piece for Russ and his wife, also worked on a painting for Scott and Carm. Had a wonderful time at the opera Saturday night with the Balinsons. We saw the Magic Flute, at Indian and enjoyed each others company. What a wonderful opera, Im hooked.

No photo today as I dont want to post any unfinished work. However I am taking pictures of the process of each painting and will post those when the painting is complete.

We dont have hockey tonight! Its a miracle. I love to just cuddle up to the boys, put on a good movie and relax its such a luxury........