Thursday, October 30, 2008

I finished Lisas nude yesterday afternoon. You can see the difference in the image below as I had not finished the upper back and in this new image I have completed it. Im working on a few commissions today I work on 2 or 3 at a time so whichever one gets its last bruch stroke gets posted..... Ill post the painting in progress today before I start. Dont like to do this but thought youd like to see how the stages of the painting evolve.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

nude for lisa

Working on this commission today for Lisa.... I have about three paintings on the go at the moment. Working in acrylics allows me to pick a painting up and put another down as I paint in layers so as each layer dries I can move along to the next image. I love doing the nudes as they are a great exercise in light and shadow. Not a great picture as its damp so its casting a glare off the paint. Oh well just wanted to show what I'm working on at the moment, its a few hours away from completion.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Ancaster Titans....

The most important part of my life is my children and family. Tonight we are off to an awards ceremony in Mississauga to award the boys with a first place finish this year in soccer. They are a great group of boys, coaches and parents and they are my social network all summer long. These boys are forging lasting friendships and accomplishments they will remember for the rest of their lives. Many of these kids play hockey together in the winter as well travelling all over ontario and into the states. So when Im not painting, and studying Im treking around with these great kids and their families..... go titans go!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

path to art therapy....

Im always setting new goals for myself. Last year I decided I wanted to to a masters in Art Therapy. I began taking courses at mc master univ in addiction studies and counseling. I try to take 2 correspondence courses a semester and juggle my studies along with family, painting and other parts of my life. My children are at a great age that I can finally do a little more of what Im passionate about. I hope to have my masters by the time Im 43yrs old.... ( almost 40 ) this is something Ive always wanted to do and Im enjoying every minute of it even though its an interesting balancing act. Im not one to be idle for too long. So today is a study day for me, I have 2 assignments due the first of each month and Im organized enough to have them completed a week early, this has not always been the case, I have pulled a few all-nighters in the past, but trying to avoid that.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

new photograph of birches do to

This image is the newest photograph taken of birches that I plan on painting for a commissioned piece. I will begin the sketches today and show the progress of this painting. Looking forward to finishing my other commissioned work which I will also be photographing as its completed. I love the yellow in this photo and the striking black and white, graphic birches. This will be a larger painting approx 3'x5' and going to my friend Julie.......

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sometimes you need to take some time to refuel. Having painted nonstop for the last few weeks I spent today creating a postcard handout for my next exhibits and worked on my website. I also organized some images I have saved online and just reflected on the last few days. I really do think this is all part of the process of creating. You have to pull back once and a while to fill those creative juices again and today was one of those days. I added this colour wheel I love its a great tool for finding inspiration to take some risks with colour. I have many commissions to continue working on this week and the weeks to come, booked another show tentatively for November, check my site for dates and location over the next few days.

Monday, October 20, 2008

gals from the valley tour....

I was just at Stephanies to pick up the last of my paintings and we both decided that we had too much fun this weekend. They are a great bunch of girls, from the left.... Stephanine, myself, Elaine and Louise. Thank goodness for good friends and all their hard work. So have we booked our flights to NY?????? Sure hope so. Cheers.

dundas valley tour....

Well the weekend is now over and what a great success. I have pictures of the show and the participants to post today and will do so once I find my camera!!! The weather could not have been more perfect, and the fall colours were an inspiration I'm sure for all of those who visited the studios and supported all the talented artists in the area.

For my first time on the tour I have to say it was a great experience. I sold a few paintings, and picked up a few commissions. However the best part was meeting all the people that came to view my art and had some wonderful comments and words of encouragement for me.

Ive posted the birch that seemed to be the most " talked about " painting and has convinced me to start painting more birches. So visit my site and blog often to see new paintings that will be posted and information on upcoming exhibits.

Thank you so much to all that visited the tour. Special thanks to all my friends and family that continue to support and encourage me to continue painting.