Wednesday, June 4, 2008

my painting space

Ive started painting all my canvases black. I have

learned that I tend to work dark to light. I have to have a black surface to begin on . I was told they sell canvases in black. This would be a great time saver for me as Ive only ever bought white, pre-gessoed canvases. So now I will look for the black ones! I will be working on 3 paintings at the same time. I began doing this in preparing for my show and it was great. Working in Acrylics I tend to work in layers so while one layer is drying I can work on another piece and just rotate them. Its much more efficient and I find it easy to move freely between paintings. I hope to be able to journal this process over the next few weeks. Ill add another photo of my paints and then show the evolution of each painting, my palette and thoughts over the next while......

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