Tuesday, June 3, 2008

creative mind.....

the last few days have been time spent filling up the creative juices. I had been painting everyday almost 6-8hrs a day and this week and last Ive been spending time gathering images for paintings to be.... shopping at my local art store for canvas and paint, and just doing alot of thinking about what is next. I am beginning to book shows for August and December and coming up with images to paint. I am also beginning to work on my commissions that I took in from my last solo exhibition.

Part of being an artist Im realizing is acknowledging the time between paintings. This time used to feel unproductive to me but now Im seeing as part of the process. It cant be forced either, the act of creating comes in different forms and this period between paintings for me can last as long as a couple of weeks or just a few days. What I do notice is I am creating in other ways all of the time, whether its in the garden, in the house, or framing for friends ( yes Im a picture framer part time as well )

So the canvas is calling again and Im ready. I have 3 commissions to begin and will post their progress as I go along. I am also going to try to be less judgemental of my time between paintings when Im filling up....

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