Sunday, October 21, 2012

roots and wings....

Its been a very interesting fall....lots of change, and apparently change means growth. I have to agree with that on many levels. The growth has been sometimes emotional and challenging. I defined myself as a mother for the last 16 years and that was my main priority. I am still a mother however my children are growing, maturing and spreading their wings. This is a beautiful and painful experience all at once. My husband and I have done a good job raising them, roots and wings my husband would always say....roots and wings. 

I am now an artist more hours of the day than an active mother. I love my new identity. I love that I can devote hours upon hours of time to my art. It makes me happy, it gives me joy. I go to bed looking forward to picking up that paint brush, its my passion. I feel grateful to have spent so many hours with my boys as a stay at home mom. I put my heart and soul into them and I am as equally grateful to spend my hours nurturing my creativity these days. 

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