Monday, March 29, 2010


So this is the end result of the flower. I love this painting its very delicate and smooth. I do not like the quaility of the image, the colour is off and the hues are much deeper. Oh well good enough.

the beginnings of another flower...

Okay, I took this pic a few weeks ago when I started this painting. Since this was shot Ive completed the painting so will post that today as well. Its a nice painting and heading to Collingwood gallery today.

Monday, March 22, 2010

new week....

Did I mention I want this kitchen for my new house? Its the same model, 1940s ranch and this is the end result with a kitchen reno I found online. Its lovely. I watched a reno today on Design Inc and it was the same style kitchen, limited space but functional and beautiful.

March br is done. New week begins, with driving my friends John and Joyce. Hes quite ill so this little job may go away soon, however I welcome that as I have so much painting to do for the exhibits this spring. Its been a great job, Ive enjoyed their company and insight on being old. They are wonderful people, blessed to know them.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

painting by emily carr

Id forgotten how much emily carrs work had influenced my early work. I loved her paintings and the way she captured nature and movement. Her paintings were so spiritual. There are many things from my past that inspired me that I would like to revisit. I remember reading her biography and loving her the way she moved the brush over the canvas. Beautiful.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


March break is slowing winding down. The weather has been fantastic this week and Im so looking forward to the first day of spring and warmer days ahead. Starting another flower today, already have the photograph ready for reference. Will post as it evolves.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

white flower done....

Im so happy to complete the white flower ( my second flower ) Its march break, kids are here, company here and I still found time to finish yiipppeee!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

rain in new york

Its raining today, like sideways rain. Why does everything just get better when you wrap NY around it? Like rain. Wrap NY around it and there is just something magical about it all. I cant explain it, but its all very romantic dont you think?

Friday, March 12, 2010

logan home sick

Logan is home sick today.... its rainy and gloomy so maybe a good day to make chicken soup and look after my little boy who is not so little anymore! I had to post this image this morning because it makes me so happy. The green of this cabinet is amazing. I think its close to the buffet I'm painting right now. I may try to work on my flower painting today, the gallery would like a few for Easter so need to get working on those. A cheery picture for a dreary day.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

retro avacodo

Stopped by the Home Depot yesterday to look at paint colours for my buffet, kitchen chairs and base. At first I thought Id go taupe for all of it until I spotted retro avocado and knew it was the new colour for my buffet ( hand me down from my friend Rosa ). I bought some glass knobs and black knobs ( for logans newly painted dresser ). I could not get out of the store fast enough to try the new green on the buffet.... well last night I put 3 coats on and this morning I am in love!!! Its made everything feel like spring and lighted my life. I will finish it today, and start the chairs in the taupe. Ive decided to pick up 2 accent chairs for the kitchen table, maybe two antique chairs, or something upholstered. All of this was inspired by the table runner I bought a few days ago at home sense darn it. One table runner equals hours of painting madness.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Okay so the thing is.....

Ive worked on this floral now for about 3 full hours and I need a break. However its coming along nicely...the photo is not exactly true to the colours in real life but pretty close, I would say the real version is more vivid than the photo. I am loving the composition of this painting and the colours are quite soothing. I will try to do more painting today, but its now 2:00 pm I have to start shifting gears. I have to make dinner and do laundry, clean the hockey gear and buy some paint etc etc......I'm welcoming the escape from the easel as my brain is fried and I need to step back.....

second floral...

Here is the beginning of the second floral painting, I feel so grateful that I have a full day again to paint. Im even more grateful that I get to paint exactly what I love today. The boys are off to school, the house is quiet, the animals are asleep and the lighting is perfect.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

feeling a wee bit manic

Thats right, feeling artistically manic! Im painting another flower and my furniture all at the same time because thats how I roll!!! However manic is good because Ive finished the pink flower and Im cruising through another floral and it just might be even nicer than the pink one!!!! I think Ive found another niche in the subject matter. So satisfying. I got my groceries done and bought a happy meal and ate the whole thing in 60 seconds. It was so good, yet so bad. I will post the next flower and maybe even the furniture, order tabletop glass to put on the coffee table and end tables once the paint dries, looks fabulous! What was old is new again, with a big ole gallon of paint and some elbow grease.