Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Newsy news.....

So, heres where we are at, decided to sell the house in July 09, came home from Reno and started the ball rolling. I began by purging, cleaning and repairing. It was a full time job for the month of August. The house was listed the day after the kids went back to school and it sold in 8 days. A very nice young couple bought our home and some of its contents as well as some of my art which Im most thrilled about. The closing date is Nov 25th....( hence the lack of blog entries since the summer ) We are renting a townhouse and looking to buy again when the "perfect" home presents itself to us. Not sure what that looks like exactly, but like all things in my life it will just feel right.

Moving begins this weekend amongst a hockey tournament, birthday parties and team pictures. Not to mention my husband just informed me that he will be away at a conference during the bulk of the move. In the old days I would have done this move the hard way and on my how but Ive learned and Im wiser so I am paying people to do it and will order swiss chalet everynight if I have to so that its a smooth ride and relatively stress free.

I will begin painting and blogging regularly for my shows in 2010. I will post those dates as soon as they are confirmed and look so very forward to getting started on a more regular painting schedule.

The picture posted is a of a door in soho.....oh how I miss NY

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