Wednesday, April 1, 2009

open sky

heres the thing, I started doing landscapes in art school. I remember them vividly. I would make them up out of my head. The canvas was usually divided into 3 parts, water, land, sky. I loved this rounded, blended earth tones. The shapes on the canvas were massive with rolling hills and I painted large, it was too confining on a smaller surface. I dont know where any of those paintings are at this point. Maybe I gave them away or just stored them at school never to pick them up again. I also liked to draw in those days and never left the house without a sketch book. I remember one drawing in particular I did up at a classmates cottage in Perry Sound. She was an artist and a good one. Her and I sketched all weekend and Im reminded that my work now, is reflective of the style I had then. What I love about that is I was free. I drew and painted in my own style and experimented. Im doing that again and most importantly I feel like my paintings are starting to really represent who I am as an artist and who I was years ago in art school. Open and free to express myself, its a great feeling . Took me a long time to get to this point again. I remember picking up a paint brush and a canvas 10 yrs ago for the first time in years and copying other artists.....all the while trying to find me. Well Ive found me again at least Im closer than I was, really close.

No photo today but the painting below is a day away from completion Ill post it tomorrow....

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