Thursday, April 23, 2009


not sure if I posted this one here it is complete. My husband loves this painting. colour pallette

playing with skies and colour.... enjoying the sunsets and doing more. Looking at the shape of the canvas to inspire me and may focus more and landscape with a few birches to create perspective

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

blue, blue blue....

trying new skies now and will post those is the first with a lake. Loved it right away. Its better in person I think more vivid however I love this painting only 12x12 inches, like the samller ones and they work up so fast.

a painting every day and a half....

trying to post what Ive been working on for weeks now, Ive been
too busy to get batteries for my camera, finally bought some and had great outdoor light to take photos. One of those sunless days where the light is pure and allows for the colours to almost appear as they are in real life....not too many days like that but need to take advantage when I can. Above is a painting I finished and another shot of the piece sent off to paulas gallery.

painting marathon....

this is done, but I had to ship it the other day to paulas gallery so it would be able to make the auction event. I hope I get a current photo of it but may not as I had no batteries when it shipped. It was a good painting, with a good ending.

Friday, April 10, 2009

moving along...

Good Friday indeed. Im having a great painting day, the kids have a sunny day to enjoy with all their friends and daddy is home. So its a good day, oh! the house is clean too. I do have a ton of laundry to do but Im trying to ignore that.

I must get batteries for my camera so I can take photos of all the work Ive been doing. Very productive days.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I am grateful for:

  1. my painting today
  2. having Logan home to cuddle with
  3. haydens courage
  4. mcdonalds fries
  5. my family
  6. my really good paint brushes
  7. my friends
  8. jacks company
  9. the sun shine

Saturday, April 4, 2009

birch with blue sky

Not the greatest quality picture, so hard to get a good shot. I have someone who may be photographing my work for me which would be great as the colours just dont come out exactly right for me. So this painting is evoling nicely. I am pleased thus far, its sort of a new approach for me with smaller canvas ( 16x20) and 3 trees with 3 trunks and the landscape with rocks, still a few hours to go working on this but will be a nice size for the exhibit....

Thursday, April 2, 2009

across the street

Last night I found a smaller canvas and sketched a new painting. I looked out the window and across the street there were 3 birch trees I have been looking at for 2 years and it never dawned on me that it could be a painting. So I drew it out and started painting it today.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

open sky

heres the thing, I started doing landscapes in art school. I remember them vividly. I would make them up out of my head. The canvas was usually divided into 3 parts, water, land, sky. I loved this rounded, blended earth tones. The shapes on the canvas were massive with rolling hills and I painted large, it was too confining on a smaller surface. I dont know where any of those paintings are at this point. Maybe I gave them away or just stored them at school never to pick them up again. I also liked to draw in those days and never left the house without a sketch book. I remember one drawing in particular I did up at a classmates cottage in Perry Sound. She was an artist and a good one. Her and I sketched all weekend and Im reminded that my work now, is reflective of the style I had then. What I love about that is I was free. I drew and painted in my own style and experimented. Im doing that again and most importantly I feel like my paintings are starting to really represent who I am as an artist and who I was years ago in art school. Open and free to express myself, its a great feeling . Took me a long time to get to this point again. I remember picking up a paint brush and a canvas 10 yrs ago for the first time in years and copying other artists.....all the while trying to find me. Well Ive found me again at least Im closer than I was, really close.

No photo today but the painting below is a day away from completion Ill post it tomorrow....